Orbis volunteer doctor performing surgery in blue scrubs and a mask


我们知名的志愿者眼科专家团队(Volunteer Faulty),是所有奥比斯全球眼科培训项目的核心。在过去的三十多年,透过教导及培训当地眼科医疗人员来预防和治疗可防治盲疾,一直是奥比斯的工作重点。

目前世界眼科医疗服务其中一个最严重的缺口,是缺乏训练有素的医疗人员。奥比斯的全球志愿者眼科专家团队,组成了全面的网络,提供眼科专科教学和指导,提升我们合作伙伴医院的技术、服务水平以及病人医疗服务的水平。这正是创立奥比斯的原因 - 在世界各地为眼科医疗人员提供可持续性的培训及支持。






The life-changing flying eye hospital treating blindness across the globe

In Kitwe, the second largest city in Zambia, young mother Verah is carrying her one-year-old daughter, Racheal, into the consultation room at the eye annexe. The only dedicated paediatric eyecare centre in the country, the Kitwe annexe also attracts patients from neighbouring Angola and Congo.

On Board The Flying Eye Hospital

I think if I wasn't an anaesthetist, I would have liked to have been a pilot. There's a lot of similarities, in terms of responsibility, it's a practical role, it's science based. In the end though - I like my patients. Most of my anaesthetic practice is with children.

BMJ Christmas charity appeal: Orbis's Flying Eye Hospital-going places where other charities often can't

I think if I wasn't an anaesthetist, I would have liked to have been a pilot. There are a lot of similarities between the two: in terms of responsibility, and that it's a practical, science based role.


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