蒙古国也是亚洲白内障手术率最低的国家之一——每年每百万人中仅有 1,400 例。目前,90% 的白内障手术都在首都乌兰巴托进行,因为在全国 21 个省份中,只有6个省有能力进行白内障手术。
Orbis launched a four-year project with the National Center for Maternal and Child Health, the main provider of children’s eye care in the country, and five county-level hospitals in rural Mongolia in 2014. The project helped develop a model for comprehensive vision care that provides services from basic vision screening to the management of more complex pediatric eye disorders like retinopathy of prematurity.
Your support has helped us to conduct more than 9,300 screenings for babies at risk of retinopathy of prematurity, mostly at the National Center for Maternal and Child Health.
As a result of our ongoing advocacy work, we’ve helped make pediatric eye health a priority for Mongolia’s policymakers and the Ministry of Health.
We are contributing to the national model of diabetes prevention and diabetic retinopathy care to ensure those at risk can access timely interventions.
We are helping create a network of seven provincial hospitals carrying out manual small-incision cataract surgery, with ongoing awareness activities in local communities to help improve access to and uptake of care.
We also helped create an innovative model of ophthalmic education by establishing a digital training hub and remote surgical mentorship program. This program has helped many of our local partners, such as Dr. Battsetseg, access remote mentorship to deal with complicated cases via our online telemedicine platform, Cybersight.
- Hosted eight Flying Eye Hospital projects
- Hosted two virtual Flying Eye Hospital project when in-person training wasn't possible due to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Established or improved six neonatal intensive care units have been through the provision of equipment and training of physicians
- Supported the establishment or improvement of:
- Eleven secondary hospitals
- Three tertiary hospitals
- One wet lab
- Supported the inclusion of retinopathy of prematurity screening for newborns in the National Neonatal Screening program.
- Contributed to the increase in the pediatric cataract surgery rate at the National Center for Maternal and Child Health from 20 cases per year to 100 cases per year.